By Dr Charles Leyman Kachitsa
The quietness that is there at night, normal natural night, was also created just like other natural things. It was created as such for man to have the last hours of the day and start of the next one in relative peace. Man though has always made things that so often disturb the quietness of the night such as heavy machinery that are set to operate throughout the day including late night and early morning. It’s not only heavy machinery that disturb the night peace with heavy noise as those living near busy roads will tell you. There are other disturbance.
Only when man/ woman are unwell is the night often not so peaceful. Ironically, conversely night time is where man is often overly excited, most celebrations happen at night perhaps to take advantage of the prevailing peace that the night brings. Some would say darkness and therefore night is where most evil things are done, bad people take advantage of the absence of light to conduct their sinister things against others innocent beings. Again this may be very true, but also remember that most brilliant plans have had been schemed at night. We can therefore not blame the night, it brings both joy and sadness, all in measures for human endurance.
The quotes for this week are a continuation extraction from a book that outlines proven methods for making what appears complex subjects more easier to digest. I am sure the selected quotations below from this book will enlighten you to two or one useful life lessons. Read and enjoy:
A MIND FOR NUMBERS by Barbara Oakley, Ph.D.
“You may be surprised to learn that highlighting and underlining must be done carefully – otherwise they can be not only ineffective but also misleading. It’s as if the motion of your hand can fool you into thinking you’ve placed the concept in your brain. When marking up the text, train yourself to look for main ideas before making any marks, and keep your text markings to a minimum – one sentence or less per paragraph. Words or notes in a margin that synthesize key concepts are a good idea.”
“……. Unlike procrastination which is easy to fall into, willpower is hard to come by because it uses a lot of neural resources. This means that the last thing you want to do in tackling procrastination is to go around spraying willpower on it like it’s cheap air freshener. You shouldn’t waste willpower on procrastination except when absolutely necessary! Best of all, as you will see, you don’t need to.”
“You go into this habitual zombie mode far more often than you might think. That’s the point of the habit – you don’t think in a focused manner about what you are doing while you are performing the habit. It saves energy. ——- Habitual actions can vary in length. They can be brief, seconds-long intervals where you smile absently at a passerby or glance at your fingernails to see whether they are clean. Habits can also take some time – for example, when you go for a run or watch television for a few hours after you get home from work. —- Habits have four parts………”
“Doing something physically active is especially helpful when you have trouble grasping a key idea. As mentioned earlier, stories abound of innovative scientific breakthroughs that occurred when the people who made them were out walking.”